Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Jason Flowers

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 07 December, 2020

In May of 2016, Team Shepherd started getting into the convention circuit as a way of promoting our work and attempting to create a fan base. One of the very first people we met was Jason Flowers, an Atlanta-based freelance comic book artist. With all the time we have spent together over the years, it just seemed natural for Jason to try his hand at the Shepherd, which he finally did in August of 2020. 

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Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Joseph Schmalke

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 30 November, 2020

The Shepherd, Volume 1, Issue 1 hits comic book stores in January 2021! As part of the celebration, Scout Comics’ horror/sci-fi imprint Black Caravan is offering shops exclusive covers by artists of their choice. One of these covers is slated to be done by Joseph Schmalke, co-publisher of Black Caravan.

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Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Rich Woodall

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 23 November, 2020

In July 2020, Team Shepherd signed with Scout Comics and was accepted into their horror/sci-fi imprint, Black Caravan, led by Joseph Schmalke and Rich Woodall. With The Shepherd, Volume 1, Issue 1, due out through Black Caravan in January 2021, a number of comic book shops have requested exclusive variant covers. Rich Woodall recently did one of these covers for Team Shepherd.

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Art from Fans of The Shepherd: An Interview with Nick Meyer

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 16 November, 2020

The work of a comic book creator may appear to be all excitement and fun, but mostly it is just a lot of hard work, usually done ... Read More

Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Giulio Bilisari

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 09 November, 2020

As with many of the Italian artists I work with, I was first introduced to Giulio Bilisari through my friend Massimo Rosi. I ofte... Read More

Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Luca Panciroli

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 02 November, 2020
I was first exposed to the artwork of Tuscan artist Luca Panciroli in my role as editor for Caliber Comics. He was the artist for a sci-fi adventure written by Massimo Rosi entitled, Dark Frontier. When I saw his amazing artwork, I knew right away that I wanted to work with him! Read More